Wednesday 29 October 2008

Just one of those days - that ended well.

Most of the teachers have had a challenge or two this week. My water machine broke - at least the hot water tap. We have to buy water in huge 20 litre bottles and the bottles are mounted on a machine that is connected to the electricity and dispenses hot or cold water suitable for drinking. Tap water is NOT!

I reported it, hotping that it could be easily repaired, but was told I had to get it over to the service centre (where ever that is), and a student could help. One of the other teachers had problems with her machine, it leaked. So we arranged for students to take both to the service centre, and as they could speak Chinese we would solve the problem of communciation. Only one student appeared, so I decided to put up with my problem and just use the cold water.

So the student and the teacher took the broken machine from the fifth floor, over to the repair centre, and returned with another machine, mounted the 20 litre bottle, and having turned it on, left her room and came down for coffee with me.

Shortly she went up to her room and moments later my phone rang. The "new" water machine had leaked the 20 litres of water onto the floor and it had tripped the power. She had no power. I took my torch and headed upstairs, and a couple who live on the floor above me also joined me.

What a mess! Boxes of thing she had purchased were wet. Shoes were wet. Bags were wet. We were able to turn the power back on, and the floor was mopped.

So back downstairs again. We had heard that a bar had opened on the campus, so we thought we'd check it and see. What a find. There, within pleasant walking distance is a nice place to sit and enjoy a cocktail. Well, we only had two. But it was a rare treat. Very pleasant.

At the table next to us were four smart looking young ladies. I asked "Are you teachers?" They laughed. "Don't you remember us?" They were my students from last semester. How funny. We all agreed they looked quite smart and far more mature than the students in the class room.

Two drinks later we headed back to our apartments. That will be somewhere we will visit again! We had Brandy Alexanders. Very nice!!! I don't get to have a drink much when we are out as I don't drink beer, and can only get a bottle of wine in a restaurant, so choose to drink soft drink or iced tea. The Bar is a pleasant change!

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