Friday 27 June 2008

Enroute to Australia

What a flurry the last few days were - completing exams, marking, saying farewell, packing etc. I have decided to return to China at the end of the summer holidays, though it is still dependent on getting a visa. So it was hectic.

In the end, around 10 am on Sunday morning I was packed and ready to go. A taxi ride to the "big bus stop", and I was soon on my way to Shanghai. I put my MP3 player on, and listened to Conversations with Richard Feidler from ABC Brisbane, and the almost three hours flew. It was raining most of the way, and the bus was only half full. Pleasant enough trip.

At the bus station it was pouring with rain, so I grabbed the nearest "helper" and managed to get a taxi to the apartment where Ian was surprised to see me so early. It was good to see him after 4 months, and so began an adventure in Shanghai. Oh, what a city.

1 comment:

deedub said...

Are you? Are you not? All depends on a visa, huh? I'm sure you'll make the right decision.

Wanna see what I've been doing?
