Thursday, 22 October 2009


Today should be interesting. After working for nearly two weeks at the college, I will today attend "orientation". I'm not sure exactly what will happen, but I have a host of questions which I expect will be answered.

Maybe I should change my title - as I am not regarded as an English teacher in Australia - just overseas. The reality is that I am an ESL teacher. English as a Second Language.

I'd not cut it in the "real" teaching world teaching English, though I'd probably manage. Clearly I'm not qualified other than for ESL.

I do find the ESL business rather odd, and I am pleased I have had the opportunity to see several sides of this industry. If I was younger I'd probably get more involved. I see lots of opportunities to make a difference with the industry.

For a start I do not like all the British or American text books. Some of the language does not make sense to me. And I know it is confusing for the students. Here they are in Australia, learning about things that do not happen in Australia.

I'd like to try to write some Australian material at some stage. What a task!!! Clearly it needs to be done. Oh, well, I'm not going to do it. Maybe a little.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should have some Australian text books and material, surely? Maybe you need some Kiwi stuff which wouldn't be too different to your Aussie stuff.