I really was looking for a cable for my China Iphone. It has an unusual cable and I have been unable to find one in my box of cables. I don't use the Iphone in Australia, but find it useful when o/s as it takes two Sim Cards. Somewhere I must have the cable - if not I will have to wait until I get to China. The Iphone is up and running with an international roaming simcard, but I have limited access to its many features without the cable. No matter. I'll survive.
I spoke with my parents last night by phone - I regularly phone them on a Sunday, and Mum clearly had forgotten that I had visited her last week and told her about the China trip. So we went over it all again, and she lamented that I was going. It is hard to go away when I know my parents are in their 90's but I would not see them until July anyway now. I've already been to Adelaide twice in three months!
In any case I found some things in the big plastic box with the label China. I sat and read the brochures about Hangzhou last night. I am looking forward to going back there too. It is where I land when I get to China, but I will be whisked off the 50 kms to Shaoxing, and won't see any of the delightful parts of this great city until later.
I looked at some of the other souvenirs I had from my previous visits. Some I'd forgotten and I found some teaching tools that I will take with me.
I'm still finishing off things for The Official Biographer and have about 5 appointments today. I now have my suitcase, but it has gone mouldy in its plastic bag so I will have to clean and dry it before I pack it.
Well it just about time to take off, Di. Have fun and give my regards to the Chinese people. LOL
I'll try. One at a time? Or will group hug do?
Hello the girl! I have been thinking of you and wondering how you were going?! Thanks for the help with my blog. You have encouraged me to start writing it again. Go well, Lizziegee
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