Friday 28 November 2008

Is this the writing breakthrough I am looking for?

My adventure continues. At 4 am this morning one of my two mobile phones - the Aussie one - started playing the music advising me that a message had arrived. I always fear those, but this one was not to be feared.

I have been trying to create a career as a writer and as anyone would know it is not easy, but I am on the cusp of some great advances in my career and hopefully some will be "cash advances."

A story I wrote some time ago has been considered by a movie producer in big town Hollywood. I signed a contract several months ago. The message this morning was that things are advancing rather positively - and the producer has asked me to provide some more information.

So,that put an end to any sleep! The mind has been racing. Is this the big breakthrough that every writer dreams of?

Additionally I am about to put a proposal for an idea, which is considered rather exciting by those who know what I am writing, which is for the Chinese market. I will make contact with the Chinese publishers next week - and my weekend trip to Shanghai is part of my planning process.

Even though I have not seen a cent or a Yuan at this point, I am hopeful, and very thankful for the opportunities that are before me.

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