Friday 14 November 2008

Mystery Solved

Yesterday I was with the class who had invited me to the "bake" on Saturday, and I started by apologising to them all for being late and nearly missing the bus. I thought I had misread the text message I had received on the Friday night telling me that the event had been postponed, when in fact it hadn't.

It seems that one of the students had been in a discussion with the other students and they had considered changing the date, but they realised that the bus had been booked and they would have to pay for the bus for the Saturday even if they didn't go.

By the time she realised that her message would cause some chaos, "it was too late" to let me know. So she just "forgot about it". Typical.

I any case I was glad to learn her side of the story, as I had been quite confused about the strange message and wondering what it meant if it was not to cancel the "bake."

Yesterday I received a text message pleading for forgiveness as she only understood the chaos she had created when I explained my lateness to the students in class. I sent her a message of forgiveness and that I thought it was a funny story, and that I was so pleased that I could go to the bake. She sent a message back thanking me and wishing me sweet dreams last night.

One thing we have learned is that the Chinese live for the moment. Planning does not rate highly n their culture. Don't we know it!

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