Sunday 21 December 2008

Chinese children in winter

Babies being carried in baby holders on the back of their mothers. Sometimes it is impossible to see the baby, as they are well rugged up during winter.

Often the little children play on the streets in front of the shops that their mother or father own. I'm not sure about this little fellow, but he was certainly enjoying his activities with the game that he had to bang on the little characters that popped up from the holes.

The little children are well rugged up during winter - and we find it slightly amusing that they are so dressed that they would have trouble walking, or bending their knees or elbows - such is the thickness of the clothes that they wear. This little fellow as being carried by his mother in a cane basket - I suspect that they are strapped in. These baskets are common and carried on the backs of the women who come from villages.

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