I went for a longer walk today - from my apartment to the Kids Club where I met with my Korean boss.
It is about 10 minutes away through narrow and quite busy streets - just cars trying to squeeze through the parked cars on the narrow roads. Sometimes - no, often - the cars have to jockey for position as in many streets there is only room for one way traffic.
And guess what! Within seconds of my apartment I can get a Domino's Pizza - actually they will deliver it to me. Baskin and Robbins, The Athlete's Foot, and many more familiar names abound around here.
I managed to walk from my apartment, past Kids Club, and down to the river (which is rather empty at the moment), and then back to Kids Club, and walked back home again.
The Koreans are mad golfers and seconds away from the apartment is a huge driving range. This towers above many of the buildings here, and is a good place to see to get my bearings around town.
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